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Why React

Reasons why React has become so popular so quickly:

But there’s a lot more to it than just that. Let’s attempt to cover all the reasons behind React’s rising popularity. One reason is its Virtual DOM (React’s reconciliation algorithm). We’ll work through an example to show the actual practical value of having such an algorithm at your command.

React’s official definition states that it’s a JavaScript library for building User Interfaces. It’s important to understand the two different parts of this definition:

Since Web browsers understand JavaScript, we can use React to describe Web User Interfaces. I like to use the word describe here because that’s what we basically do with React, we just tell it what we want and React will build the actual User Interfaces, on our behalf, in the Web browser. Without React or similar libraries, we would need to manually build User Interfaces with native Web APIs and JavaScript.

When you hear the statement that “React is declarative,” this is exactly what it means, we describe User Interfaces with React and tell it what we want (not how to do it). React will take care of the “how” and translate our declarative descriptions (which we write in the React language) to actual User Interfaces in the browser. React shares this simple declarative power with HTML itself, but with React, we get to be declarative for HTML interfaces that represent dynamic data, not just static data.

Other benefits of using react are

Limitations of React

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