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The module wrapper

Before a module’s code is executed, Node.js will wrap it with a function wrapper that looks like the following:

(function(exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {

// Module code actually lives in here


By doing this, Node.js achieves a few things:


Added in: v0.1.27. It is <string>

The directory name of the current module. This is the same as the path.dirname() of the __filename. Example: running node example.js from /Users/mjr


// Prints: /Users/mjr


// Prints: /Users/mjr


Added in: v0.0.1 It is <string>

The file name of the current module. This is the current module file’s absolute path with symlinks resolved. For a main program this is not necessarily the same as the file name used in the command line.


Running node example.js from /Users/mjr


// Prints: /Users/mjr/example.js


// Prints: /Users/mjr

Given two modules: a and b, where b is a dependency of a and there is a directory structure of:

References to __filename within b.js will return /Users/mjr/app/node_modules/b/b.js while references to __filename within a.js will return /Users/mjr/app/a.js.


Added in: v0.1.12 It is <Object>. A reference to the module.exports that is shorter to type. See the section about the exports shortcut for details on when to use exports and when to use module.exports.


Added in: v0.1.16 It is <module>. A reference to the current module, see the section about the module object. In particular, module.exports is used for defining what a module exports and makes available through require().


Added in: v0.1.13 It is id <string> module name or path. It returns, <any> exported module content. Used to import modules, JSON, and local files. Modules can be imported from node_modules. Local modules and JSON files can be imported using a relative path (e.g. ./, ./foo, ./bar/baz, ../foo) that will be resolved against the directory named by __dirname (if defined) or the current working directory.

// Importing a local module:

const myLocalModule = require(‘./path/myLocalModule’);

// Importing a JSON file:

const jsonData = require(‘./path/filename.json’);

// Importing a module from node_modules or Node.js built-in module:

const crypto = require(‘crypto’);

require.cache – Added in: v0.3.0 It is <Object>. Modules are cached in this object when they are required. By deleting a key value from this object, the next require will reload the module. Note that this does not apply to native addons, for which reloading will result in an error.

require.main – Added in: v0.1.17 It is <module>. The Module object representing the entry script loaded when the Node.js process launched. See “Accessing the main module”. In entry.js script:


node entry.js

Module {

id: ‘.’,

exports: {},

parent: null,

filename: ‘/absolute/path/to/entry.js’,

loaded: false,

children: [],


[ ‘/absolute/path/to/node_modules’,



‘/node_modules’ ] }

require.resolve(request[, options]) – Updated in v8.9.0. The  request is <string> for module path to resolve and options is <Object>, as

It returns <string>. Use the internal require() machinery to look up the location of a module, but rather than loading the module, just return the resolved filename.

 require.resolve.paths(request) – Added in: v8.9.0

It returns an array containing the paths searched during resolution of request or null if the request string references a core module, for example http or fs.

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