Tactics for Negotiation Process

Following are few commonly used tactics to crack the deal :

1. Barter

Do you have any items that might be of interest to the seller? Could you offer some services that would be of value to the seller? Consider making a trade to eliminate or significantly offset the need for actual dollars in a transaction. The idea is to use creativity in order to reach a deal that might otherwise not come to fruition.

2. Bundle

A great way to augment your negotiation over price is to include other items. When you reach an impasse in your negotiations, an offer to purchase multiple quantities of the item or additional items might trigger flexibility on the part of the seller.

3. Don’t make the first offer

Whether you are buying or selling, you never want to make the first offer. Why? Because the other party may offer a price that is a much better deal than what you initially had in mind.

4. Use silence when necessary

Never respond too quickly to an offer. Pausing or even suspending negotiations can convey that you’re not desperate to close the deal and that you have other options. Silence can force a surprising amount of pressure on the other party as well.

5. Keep it Light

You never want to let negotiations become too tense. Always feel free to smile and inject some humor in the conversation. Lightening up the mood can ingratiate you with your opponent while also conveying your negotiating strength.

6. Leakiing information

Also known as Planted Information, this tactic letsthe other side ‘discover’ secret information thatwill change their perceptions or expectations. For some reason humans trust what we learn about the other party by coincidence more than what the other party actually is telling us about themselves.

7. Krunch

“You’ve got to do better than that.” This puts pressure on the other party without elaborating on “how much better.” Often this tactic is used by a participant to test the limits of the other party.


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