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JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to implement complex things on web pages — every time a web page does more than just sit there and display static information for you to look at — displaying timely content updates, or interactive maps, or animated 2D/3D graphics, or scrolling video jukeboxes, etc. — you can bet that JavaScript is probably involved. It is the third layer of the layer cake of standard web technologies, two of which (HTML and CSS).

Why use JavaScript

Using Variables, Objects and Arrays

var str = “Hello”;                // local variable, when inside a function

str2 = “Hello World”;             // global variable in default context (window.str2)

str3 = ‘My quote char: ” ‘;       // single or double quote

str4 = “My really really really \

really long string broken into \

multiple lines”;

str = 19;                         // change to int

str = 0xfe + 2.343 + 2.5e3;       // hex, floats, exp

var newObject = new Object();     // constructor

newObject = {};           // shorthand for same = “bob”            // dynamic attributes = null         // it’s there (null item)

delete         // it’s gone (undefined)

newObject[“real age”] = 33;       // array notation/hash table


var obj = {           // create object using JSON

name: “Bob”,          //   aka JavaScript Object Notation

details: {

age: 33,

“favorite color”: “green”



obj.details[“favorite color”]

var newArray = [];                // no size

newArray[3] = “hi”;               // grows dynamically

newArray[2] = 13;                 // any type

newArray.push(newObject);         // add new item

newArray.pop();               // remove it

Comparisons and Manipulations

JavaScript has some funky types and comparisons.

/* javascript types */

typeof(“string”) == “string”

typeof(3) == typeof(3.4) == typeof(0x34) == “number”

typeof(myObject) == typeof(myArray) == “object” // arrays are objects

typeof(true) == typeof(1 == 2) == “boolean”

typeof(Math.sin) == “function”

typeof(notthere) == “undefined”

/* comparisons */

123 == “123”                     // true => converts type

123 === “123”                    // false => checks type

typeof(x) == “undefined”     // x isn’t there

x == null            // x is defined, but null

/* Numbers */

parseInt(“123”)          // base 10 => 123

parseInt(“123”, 16);         // base 16 => 291

parseFloat(“123.43”);        // 123.43

isNaN(0/0) == true       // illegal number

3/0 == Infinity          // legal…

-3/0 == -Infinity        //

isFinite(3/0) == false       // … but not finite

/* regular expression (regex) string comparisons */

matches = “hello”.match(/h../)   // returns array [“hel”] or null

re = new RegExp(“h..”, “ig”);    // construct regexp — no slashes

matches = “hello”.match(re);     // use it

“hello”.replace(/h/,”b”)     // => “bello”

Conditionals and Loops

if (str == “Hello”){    // if-else

alert(“Hi”);      // popup dialog



alert(“something is wrong!”);


a = 3, b = 4;       // multi-assigment

c = a > b ? a : b;  // c gets bigger item (b)

switch (name){      // switch statement

case “Bob”:

alert(“Hi Bob!”)


case “Joe”:

alert(“Hey Joe.”)


default: alert(“Do I know you?”)


while (i < n){          // the basics

// do something



for (var i=0; i<n; i++){

// do something else


for (var key in obj){

// do something with obj[key]


Defining Functions

function foo(a,b){          // global function

return a + b;


var fn = function(a,b){     // save function as variable…

return foo(a,b);


obj.fn = function(a,b){     // …or as part of object

return a + b;


function bar(a,b){

var n = 1;                  // local var

function helper(x) {            // inner function…

return 1/Math.sqrt(x + n);  // .. can use local vars


return helper(input);           // avoid need for global function


foo(1,2) == fn(1,2) == 3;   // true

Browser Document Object Model (DOM), and GUI

Find and change HTML elements.

alert(“message”);  // messagebox with “OK”

var choice = confirm(“message”);  // OK/CANCEL true or false

var input = prompt(“message”, “default value”); // enter a value; null if cancelled

x = document.getElementById(“foo”);    // finds <div id=”foo”></div> = “#333”;           // set CSS style = “1px solid #ccc”; // border-left => borderLeft (camelCase)

x.className = “myclass”;           // set CSS class

x.innerHTML = “Hello”;             // set html inside div

y = document.getElementById(“myinput”); // input area/textarea

y.value = “Hi”;                 // get or set text


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