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Inventories as Assets

AS-2 presents guidance for determining the value at which inventories are carried. It also discusses the cost formulas that are used to assign costs to inventories and any write-down thereof to net realisable value.

Measurement of Inventories

Inventories should be valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

Cost of goods is the summation of:

As shown in the Inventories diagram, finished goods should be valued at cost or market price whichever is lower, in other words, finished goods are valued at the lower of cost or net realisable value.

Cost has three elements as discussed below:

Direct Material + Direct Labour = Prime Cost

Prime Cost + Factory Variable Overhead + Factory Fixed Overhead = Factory Cost.

Direct material is included in cost of purchase and the remaining items i.e. direct labour and overheads are termed as cost of conversion.

Direct labour is cost of workers in the unit who are directly associated with the production process, in other words it is said that direct labour is the cost of labour which can be directly attributed to the units of production.

Overheads are indirect expenses. Variable overheads are indirect expenses which is directly related to production i.e., it changes with the change in production in the same proportion (increase or decrease). Fixed overheads generally remains constant, it varies only when there is some major shift in production.

Since direct labour and variable overheads are directly with the production level, it is advisable to include them in cost of conversion on the basis of normal capacity. Because any difference between normal capacity and actual production will also bring in proportionate change in projected cost and actual cost.

A single production process may result in more than one product. In case, this additional product is the intended and has a good market value, they are known as

Joint Products. The cost of conversion incurred on all the production and not identifiable separately is allocated among the products on some rational and consistent basis. If this additional product does not have good market value then they are considered as by-products. In this case the net realisable value of the by-products are deducted from the total cost of conversion to calculate the cost of conversion for main product.

Other Costs are included in the cost of inventories to the extent that they are incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.

Examples of costs that should be excluded from the cost of inventories and recognised as expenses in the period in which they are incurred are:

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