Institutes for export promotion

Institutes for export promotion

Institutes for export promotion

Let’s learn more about Institutes for export promotion. In India, there are a number of organization and agencies that provides various types of support to the exporters from time to time. These export organizations provide market research in the area of foreign trade, dissemination of information arising from its activities relating to research, and market studies. So, the exporter should contact them for the necessary assistance.

  • Export Promotion Councils are registered as non -profit organisations under the Indian Companies Act. At present there are eleven Export Promotion Councils under the administrative control of the Department of Commerce and nine export promotion councils related to textile sector under the administrative control of Ministry of Textiles. The Export Promotion Councils perform both advisory and executive functions. These Councils are also the registering authorities under the Export Import Policy, 2002-2007.
  • Commodity Board is registered agency designated by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India for purposes of export-promotion and has offices in India and abroad. There are five statutory Commodity Boards, which are responsible for production, development and export of tea, coffee, rubber, spices and tobacco.
  • FIEO was set up jointly by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India and private trade and industry in the year 1965. FIEO is thus a partner of the Government of India in promoting India’s exports.


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