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Data Types

Data Types

In SQL Server 2008, there are several data types available that can be used to define the structure of the database table columns, variables, and parameters. Here are some of the commonly used data types in SQL Server 2008:

  1. Numeric Data Types: These data types are used to store numeric values and include INT, FLOAT, DECIMAL, NUMERIC, and SMALLINT.
  2. Character Data Types: These data types are used to store character data and include CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT.
  3. Date and Time Data Types: These data types are used to store date and time values and include DATE, TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP.
  4. Binary Data Types: These data types are used to store binary data and include BINARY, VARBINARY, and IMAGE.
  5. Other Data Types: SQL Server 2008 also provides several other data types, such as MONEY, XML, UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, and ROWVERSION.

When defining a column or variable, the data type should be chosen based on the nature of the data that will be stored in it. It is also important to choose the appropriate data type to optimize storage, query performance, and data integrity.

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