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Closing is the stage where telesales executive can evaluate the effectiveness of the sales techniques telesales executive used throughout the call. In this stage, the objective is to pressure towards a commitment to either accept or refuse the offer.

It is very important to synchronize this stage with the previous one, either the sales presentation (in case the prospect agrees without having any objections) or the objection handling stage (in case the customer has objections). If telesales executive try to close the sale too soon or too late telesales executive decrease your chances to get a positive answer.

Closing techniques are useful for sales calls, if the value of the product or service telesales executive are promoting is relatively small, or for lead generation calls, but they can be ineffective in higher value sales. Closing is a way of pushing for a decision, and when the value of the product is great, this type of pressure is not effective. There are many documented closing techniques, and the following sub-chapters will detail four of them that work well over the telephone.

The Direct Technique

The most common closing technique is the direct technique. It consists of a direct question

“Do I have your approval to proceed with this order?”

“Shall I take the order?”

Telesales executive can use this technique when telesales executive feel that the prospect has understood the benefits and telesales executive have built enough value throughout the call to get a positive answer.

The Alternative Technique

The alternative technique offers the prospect choices. The choices are carefully picked by the telesales representative so as to implicitly get the prospect to agree to buy the product or service.

“Would telesales executive like to purchase one piece or two?”

“Would telesales executive like to start using this new service today or tomorrow?”

Even if the prospect has two alternatives, none of the alternatives telesales executive offer leads to his rejecting the offer.

The Difficulty Technique

External factors, such as limited stock or limited duration of the offer, can be used to persuade the prospect to make a fast decision. Telesales executive can tell the customer that he has to make up his mind quickly; otherwise the offer will no longer be valid. This urges him towards taking immediate action.

The Active Technique

Telesales executive can use the active technique when telesales executive want the prospect to react to an action telesales executive undertake. It solicits the approval of the client for an action that leads to him approving.

“Would telesales executive like me to approve the order?”

“Shall I write telesales executive down for two pieces?”

“Shall I send the order through to my colleagues?”

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