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AWT and Swings Package

AWT and Swings Package

AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) and Swing are the two main GUI (Graphical User Interface) toolkits used in Java programming language. Both toolkits are used to create GUI-based applications in Java. AWT was introduced in JDK 1.0, and Swing was introduced in JDK 1.2.

The AWT package provides a set of components that are independent of any platform, such as buttons, labels, and text fields, etc. The AWT components have a native implementation in the underlying operating system. The AWT components are heavyweight components, which means that they are directly controlled by the operating system, and they have their own resources.

Swing, on the other hand, is built on top of AWT and provides a richer set of components, including tables, trees, and tabbed panes, etc. The Swing components are lightweight, which means that they are not directly controlled by the operating system, and they do not have their own resources.

Some of the key differences between AWT and Swing are:

Look and feel: The AWT components have a native look and feel, which means that they look different on different platforms. The Swing components, on the other hand, have a consistent look and feel across all platforms.

Performance: The AWT components are heavyweight, which means that they are slower and use more memory than the Swing components.

Functionality: The Swing components provide more advanced functionality than the AWT components. Customization: The Swing components can be easily customized, while the AWT components are more difficult to customize.

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