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Application Naming and Brand

You may accurately indicate that your application is integrated with the Facebook Platform. However, you may not use our brands in your name in an unauthorized way.


Accurately describe how your application works with Facebook, such as:


For example, you may not use names that include Facebook or FB:

You may also not use F, Book, or Face in your name if it could be perceived as a reference to Facebook:

Icons and Logos



Open Graph Built-in Like Actions

You can use the Built-in Like action to create custom buttons in your app, but the button must not emulate or otherwise copy the design of Facebook’s Like buttons. For example, you may not use a “thumbs up” image with the word “like” in your Open Graph actions without prior written permission from Facebook, and any custom like button you create must not confuse users into thinking that your Open Graph action will result in a connection to a Facebook Page.

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