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Add Ports to the Orchestration

Add Ports to the Orchestration

In BizTalk Server, ports are used to send and receive messages between the orchestration and other parts of the system, such as receive locations, send ports, and pipelines. Here are the steps to add ports to an orchestration:

Open the Orchestration: Open the orchestration in the BizTalk Server Orchestration Designer.

Add a Receive Port: To add a receive port, right-click on the Port Surface and select “New Receive Port”. Give the port a name and select the receive location that will be associated with the port. This will create a new port shape in the orchestration.

Add a Receive Shape: Drag a Receive shape from the Toolbox onto the orchestration and connect it to the new port shape. This will configure the receive shape to listen for messages on the specified receive location.

Add a Send Port: To add a send port, right-click on the Port Surface and select “New Send Port”. Give the port a name and select the send pipeline that will be associated with the port. This will create a new port shape in the orchestration.

Add a Send Shape: Drag a Send shape from the Toolbox onto the orchestration and connect it to the new port shape. This will configure the send shape to send messages to the specified send port.

Configure the Port Properties: Right-click on the port shape and select “Properties” to configure the properties of the port, such as the transport protocol, endpoint address, and other settings.

Deploy and Test the Solution: After configuring the ports and shapes in the orchestration, deploy the solution and test it by sending messages through the system.

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