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5S can be defined as the principles that works towards improving the work environment. The technique of 5S is generally taken up by companies for their lean manufacturing program. This technique mainly focus on standardized cleanup of the workplace but, involves much more than that.

We can say that Five S is a methodology used to organize and manage the workspace and work flow for improving the efficiency of the process by eliminating waste, improving work flow and reducing process inefficiencies. These 5S’s are defined as Sort (Seiri), Straighten (Seiton), Sweep (Seiso), Standardize (Seiketsu) and Sustain (Shitsuke).

5S Stages

The primary aim of an organization is to enhance productivity, improving the level of quality and raising work ethic which could be only reached when the working environment is clean and in good order. In this case, 5S is most suitable as it is a practical tool for maintaining the desired level of work environment, thereby finding and eliminating issues in time. The 5S-model is extremely flexible as it is applicable to an office environment as well as in the production environment of a company for the purpose of developing systematic and disciplined operations.

We shall now define each phase of the 5S strategy,
  1. Stage 1 – Sort (Seiri): This is the first stage known as Sort which focuses on sorting everything. In this phase, every tool, object and instrument is noted and their demands is evaluated. Thereafter, a criteria is created to differentiate between useful and useless products. The removable products are sorted and disposed later on and useful products are sorted and placed accordingly. The process of removing useless items clears working environment and adds more space to act. This process of sorting should be conducted on a daily, weekly and monthly manner according to the The objective is to ensure that everything in the workplace is work related with minimum necessary items. Example –Red-tag-method is the most commonly used in the process of sorting in which the removable products are marked with a red tag having all the information about name of the inspector, date, demand, reason of the tag, storage place and disposition date. This phase gets rid of all the tagged products into red tag-area and after that, either positioned again or disposed of.
  2. Stage 2 – Set in Order (Seiton): The second stage aims at setting everything in order i.e., finding storage space for every needed tool or instrument with spaces being properly marked. The stage focuses on organizing the storage space is in a way so that everything can be found easily as and when required. This phase of marking and properly setting everything in order helps to eliminate useless searching, thereby improving safety at work and making working environment better. Having everything placed in order and properly marked makes it easier for everyone and allows quick access to an item or materials, thus making the work flow efficient, and the worker becomes productive
  3. Stage 3 – Shine (Seiso): The primary aim of the first and second stage is to address issues related to space but the third stage deals with the issue of dirt which is present everywhere. Dirt wears down machines and reduces the quality of the product/services. Seiso focuses on cleaning up everything and removing dirt from the system. By doing this machinery life increases and everything is in best condition for use as and when required. The concept of Seiso focuses on cleaning up the workplace and giving it a shine. A clean environment creates a healthy and optimal working environment, therefore cleanliness manual should be created for maintaining it.
  4. Stage 4 – Standardize (Seiketsu): It is very important to have a discipline schedule and clear follow-up and manage operation routines. This stage emphasizes on standardization of procedures and routines. The purpose of this phase is to use and maintain what was achieved in initial three phases to focus on continuity and developing further course of actions. In this phase mundane tasks are established and are followed precisely. It consists of defining the standards by which personnel must measure and maintain ‘cleanliness’. Seiketsu consists of both personal and environmental cleanliness. Visual management is an important ingredient of seiketsu.
  5. Stage 5 – Sustain (Shitsuke): In Japanese the term Shitsuke, means ‘Discipline’ which denotes commitment to maintain orderliness and to practice the first 4S. The emphasis in this phase is the elimination of bad habits and practicing good habits. Once true sustenance/shitsuke is achieved, then the workmen voluntarily practice cleanliness and orderliness at all times. For sustaining the progress enables method becoming a part of daily actions and development.
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